Position Title
Department Chair
Position Title
Department Chair
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
3017 Ghausi
Professor Cappa is interested in quantifying and understanding the processes that control the emission, evolution, and impacts of atmospheric aerosols. The Cappa group carries out laboratory and field studies, and develops and applies simple models, to characterize and predict aerosol physical, chemical and optical properties. Their work informs the development of more effective air pollution control strategies and air pollution and climate models, and provides insights into the atmospheric behavior of small particles.
Awards & Honors
- 2013 UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow
- 2012 CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
- 2005 ACCESS Participant, Gordon Research Conferences
- 2004 Advanced Light Source Doctoral Fellowship in Residence, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- 2001-2004 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, Department of Defense
- 2001 Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center Fellowship, UCB
- 2000 AMS/DOE ARM Program Graduate Fellowship, American Meteorological Society.