
GiveOur Students

CEE students and graduates contribute to the economic growth, safety and well-being of the state, the nation and the world, and to the advancement of knowledge in civil and environmental engineering. Our students acquire skills to address both fundamental issues and to design real-world solutions. However, the cost of tuition is a financial challenge for many students, especially those from nontraditional backgrounds. Please help our students realize their educational goals by donating today. All funds given in this category will be used to provide scholarships and fellowships to support CEE students. 

Support CEE Students

Our Department

Our highly collaborative environment fosters multidisciplinary research in environmental, geotechnical, structural, transportation and water-resources engineering. Your support of our department makes a meaningful impact on our world-renowned research, education and public service.

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CEE Students Share How Your Support Makes a Difference

"I am thankful for those who set up the fellowship, the department, and faculty for helping to fund my education. Without the funding, my graduate education would be non-existent. It meant less worry about food and housing and more focus on academics." -- Kahui Lim, 2019 George and Rosemary Tchobanoglous Graduate Fellowship

"The scholarship has enabled my success here at UC Davis because it allowed me to purchase a computer that can handle programs I need for course work and projects. Before the scholarship, my previous computer wasn't able to download programs such as MatLabor Python because it wasn't powerful enough. However, with the scholarship I was able to purchase a new computer which I can do all that and more. As a result, I have come to graduate school and I have grown very fond of using and generating models for particular programs and want to go into environmental modeling industry after I graduate." -- Victor Ventura, 2017 Beaver's Charitable Trust Award

"It's been very helpful! It has allowed me to work minimum hours for my last two years of undergraduate studies. As a result, I've been able to really focus on my studies, which has allowed me to perform as I have. So, to put it shortly, the scholarships have been essential to doing well in college." -- Igor Kotsyubuk, 2018 Water D. Buehler Scholarship

"Scholarship support allowed me to take on a research position this year instead of having a job. Doing undergraduate research allows me to take advantage of all the resources our campus has to offer, and it gives good insight into what I'd like to do for grad school." -- Bill Peralta, 2018 Chevron Undergraduate Scholar Award

Give"The scholarship I received allowed me to not have to worry about buying textbooks, and allowed me the opportunity to spend more of my free time working with Engineers Without Borders instead of taking a part time job. I was able to feel comfortable and relaxed on the following summers project trip to Peru knowing that forgoing an internship for a month wouldn't effect my ability to purchase the materials I needed to succeed in school." -- Nicolas Dante Dilliott, 2017 Chevron Undergraduate Scholar Award and 2018 Department Citation Award

"As a first generation, reentry, and self-supporting student, receiving scholarships helped relieve some of the financial stress associated with pursuing a higher education, as well as reducing the amount of debt I carried." -- Sebastien Poore, 2016 Farrer/Patten Award

"The Walter Buehler scholarship has allowed me to pay for tuition without out of pocket costs that would have required me to work longer hours during the school year or to take out loans." -- Valentina Couse-Baker, 2018 Water D. Buehler Scholarship

"Receiving scholarships through the university has enabled me to focus more on my academics and graduate debt free. These scholarships have also boosted my self­-esteem by reminding myself that other people recognize my hard work and contributions to the university." -- Jacob Newman, 2017 Robert Wiley Ross Award

"Scholarship support has taken a bit of the stress out of living expenses for me at UC Davis which I think in turn can be translated into success at school." -- Evan To, 2018 Beaver's Charitable Trust Award

"The scholarship I received helped me focus on my studies rather than worry over my finances. I used to have to work two jobs while in school to make enough money for rent. The added support allows me to put my energy to learning and participating in clubs." -- Julissa Riberal, 2018 Robert Wiley Ross Award

"The scholarship support allowed me to focus on my studies and have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, such as Steel Bridge. It also removed some of the stress that comes with trying to figure out how to pay for school and, instead of being burnt out from overwork, I had the opportunity to actually enjoy the college experience at Davis." -- Carlene Chow, 2016 Water D. Buehler Scholarship and 2017 Department Citation Award

"The scholarship allowed me to reduce the amount of loans I need to take to attend UC Davis." -- Andrew Calderwood, 2018 Amorocho Memorial Prize

"By obtaining a scholarship through the CEE Undergraduate Scholarship, I’ve been able to focus my time on my studies and extracurricular activities I’m a part of. I’m currently a member in CALESS, ASCE, Concrete Canoe, Chi Epsilon, and AWWA. Through these student organizations, I was able to attend two conferences in fall quarter that helped me develop professionally. I attended the HENAAC conference with CALESS and Pacific District Conference with Chi Epsilon. This quarter I participated in ASCE Mid-PAC where Concrete Canoe competed." -- Catherine Morales-Sandoval, 2018 Teichert Foundation Scholarship