Teaching Assistants and Readers

CEE Teaching Assistant/Reader Information

Civil and Environmental Engineering uses IPA to support our TA/Reader/Tutor application. The Support Call for CEE TA/Reader/Tutor positions generally opens around the start of the term prior to the term you are applying for 

  • Fall 2023 (Due 7/26/2023)
  • Winter 2024 (Due 10/25/23)
  • Spring 2024 (Due 1/26/24)

All CEE students should automatically receive the Support Call email from lsit-noreply@ucdavis.edu with the subject line “IPA: Support Call has started” and that includes a link called “View Support Call”. 

Completing the Support Call in IPA

  • Tips for completing the Support Call
  • The Support Call does not work on a cell phone. Please be sure to use a computer. Even if you have an offer of TA/Reader support from CEE or have talked to your major professor about a position, you still need to complete the Support Call. 
  • Eligibility Section
  • Confirm your eligibility

    - If you are not eligible but still want to apply, please check the “confirm eligibility” and then email Lauren (lkworrell@ucdavis.edu) with additional information about your eligibility.

    - Use the drop down to select how you meet the Language Proficiency requirement 
  • Preferences Section
  • Select your preferences for courses you want to TA/Read for.  Use the comments section next to each course preference to make any course specific comments for the faculty to view. These specific comments are helpful for the faculty in making selections.

    Order your preferences appropriately (1 being first preference)
  • Teaching Qualification Section
  • Please indicate what past TA/Reader positions you have held at UC Davis.

    You can add any general teaching qualifications you want to note (optional, and no more than 1 paragraph needed).
  • Comments Section and applying for a Graduate Tutor
  • Use this section to apply as a Graduate Tutor

    A graduate tutor works with individual students or small groups of students to assist them in their learning. Material covered may be topical in nature or related to a specific course. Tutors may keep regularly scheduled drop-in hours for student consultation and tutoring. Tutors do not grade tests, papers or other student assignments and do not work under the direct supervision of a faculty member.  If you are interested in applying to be a tutor, please indicate your interest in the "general comments" section of the Support Call, and list the course(s) you would be comfortable being a tutor for.

    If you are a non-CEE student, please use the Comments section to indicate your degree program and degree objective here.
  • Non-CEE Students
  • Please email Lauren at lkworrell@ucdavis.edu to be added to the Support Call prior to the deadline for the quarter listed above. Please understand that we do prioritize the hiring of all CEE students, and therefore rarely hire outside of our department. 

    When filling out the Support Call, be sure to use the Comments section to indicate your degree program and degree objective.

Non-CEE Positions

It is highly recommended you apply for TA and Reader positions with other departments. You can look for position listings in Handshake, or check individual departments' websites for more information on how to apply for TA and Reader positions with other departments. Our students have been hired in other departments -- math, physics, statistics, chemistry, biology and design -- as well as various departments in the humanities and social sciences depending on that student's background.

TA Orientation

 All students must complete the TA Orientation to be hired as a TA. Please visit the UC Davis TA Orientation (TAO) website for more information about the Orientation and Make Up Sessions. 

TA Language Proficiency Requirement

Be sure to check out the International and Academic English website about how to fulfill the Language Proficiency Requirement.

TA Resources

There are amazing resources for TA's through the Center for Educational Effectiveness (the other CEE) such as the TA Handbook.

Some of our own Graduate Students also made this outstanding video: How to Master the First Day of Instruction as a Teaching Assistant

Video by:

- Sumeet Kumar Sinha, PhD Candidate, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Patrick C. Bassal, PhD Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Brian Morales, Masters Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Chanh Nguyen, PhD Student, Chemical Engineering