Assistant Specialist Position: Kendall Lab
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of California, Davis invites applications from qualified candidates for one or more Assistant Specialist positions.
Qualifications: Environmental Science, Agricultural Science or equivalent field. A Master's degree in Environmental Science, Agricultural Science or equivalent field, and training and experience working with agricultural, environmental, and life cycle assessment modeling and agricultural systems in North America and the developing tropics.
The position of Specialist has a narrow focus in a specialized area and provides technical or specialized expertise (e.g., with instrumentation and research equipment or with social science research methods) in the planning and execution of a research project. The Specialist stays apprised of emerging issues and problems and maintains technical competence in the designated area(s) of specialization. Within this defined area and when appropriate, the Specialist is expected to provide leadership, facilitate teamwork and develop collaborative relationships with colleagues and to supply input into the planning of research and educational programs. Normally, Specialists do not have Principal Investigator (PI) status but may obtain permission by exception and/or collaborate with a PI in preparing research proposals for extramural funding. The Specialist is evaluated for merit and promotion using three basic criteria outlined below.
This position will entail providing specialized expertise in support of life cycle assessment, geospatial, agronomic, environmental, and biogeochemical model development and utilization for agricultural and food systems in California, the United States, and the developing tropics. This will consist of data collection and processing from public datasets such as USGS SoilWeb and the California Irrigation Management Information System, as well as from literature and stakeholder survey to parametrize agronomic, environmental, and biogeochemical components of large-scale agricultural life cycle assessment models. The position will entail significant use of modeling tools including DNDC, USEtox, and various LCA models, and their integration for production of comprehensive environmental impact statement. This position will require development of modeling tools in the R coding environment. This position entails field soil and biomass sampling following standardized methods compatible with third party carbon credit brokerage (Gold Standard, Isometric, Verra, etc.) requirements and project site survey and trial design.
The candidate will both operate independently in project-specific leadership roles as well as assist the PI and other team members in data collection efforts towards parametrization of agronomic, environmental and biogeochemical models. The candidate will follow standardized protocols for soil collection from field sites and analysis for carbon content and other relevant parameters. The candidate will follow and develop protocols for model parametrization data collection, management and processing. The candidate will perform model development and parametrization tasks, utilize said models, and manage the resulting datasets to parametrize life cycle assessment models for production of case studies and regional reports on agricultural system environmental impacts. The candidate will also lead efforts towards and assist with results reporting, academic manuscript development, and funding proposals.
Candidate will be expected to actively participate in the dissemination of information at lab meetings and industry and academic conferences, as well as contribute to the general upkeep of the laboratory. Additionally, the candidate will be expected to liaison with collaborators and industry stakeholders as applicable to specific projects.
Candidate will maintain liaison and respond to the needs of various industry organizations, state and federal agencies, and other external groups on issues related to area of expertise. Candidate may participate in activities of committees within the department, college, campus and other University entities, as appropriate.
POSITION AVAILABLE/CLOSING DATE: For full consideration applications should be received by March 17, 2025 via Recruit. Position will remain open until filled.
Qualified applicants should upload a cover letter detailing their qualifications for the position, curriculum vitae or resume and contact information for 3 professional references online. All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. For more information about the department, please visit the website:
QUESTIONS: Please direct questions to Elias Marvinney (
For details and requirements, review the full job posting here.
Post-Doctoral Research Position
One post-doctoral position is available at the Biometeorology and Environmental Dynamics Labs at the University of California Davis. We are seeking a highly motivated scholar to work on an interdisciplinary project focusing on CO2 and water fluxes in a mixed-conifer-redwoods forest in Northern California. This position is based jointly in the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and Land, Air, and Water Resources (LAWR) at the University of California, Davis.
The candidate will be co-advised by Dr. Holly Oldroyd (in CEE), Dr. Kosana Suvočarev (in LAWR), and Dr. Kyaw Tha Paw U (in LAWR). The project is also a collaborative endeavor with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The selected candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues at LBNL, as well as with scholars and personnel from various California state agencies. Within the overarching project goals, the candidate will also have intellectual freedom to develop and pursue the research directions they find most interesting that will further our understanding of these complex ecosystems, for example, expanding our understanding of turbulent transport physics over complex terrain or developing surface exchange and advection models. Mentorship will focus on helping the candidate to meet their professional development goals, whether in academia or elsewhere.
For details and requirements, review the full job posting here.
Please send your application materials in a single pdf to:
Temporary Lecturer ITS Positions 2024-2025
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California - Davis anticipates openings for temporary lecturers for the 2024–2025 academic year to instruct courses in civil and environmental engineering. For brief course descriptions, see the following links:
Requirements: Candidates must have a Minimum professional degree requirement is a Master’s, or preferably a PhD, in Civil or Environmental Engineering or equivalent; although exceptions may be made for exceptional candidates with strong and relevant experience in both practice and teaching, be committed to excellence in teaching, and have demonstrated instructional experience or relevant disciplines. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and course load. To ensure consideration, submit curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, and a Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Optionally, they can also submit teaching evaluations, course syllabi, and details of their scholarly or professional attainments (if available) via the web-based, online submission system at
For full consideration, applications need to be received by November 3, 2024.
A reasonable salary range estimate for this position is $70,295 -$89,047. Salary and appointment level are commensurate with experience. Actual salary is based on percentage of appointment: One four-unit course in a quarter = 33% appointment. A selected candidate may be assigned only one course in any quarter. These positions are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.
An example of courses in Transportation Technology & Policy which may be available during 2024 2025 pending availability of funding is:
TTP200 Travel Survey Methods (4 units) – Description of types of surveys commonly used in transportation demand modeling, including travel and activity diaries, attitudinal, panel, computer, and stated-response surveys. Discussion of sampling, experimental design, and survey design issues. Analysis methods, including factor, discriminant and cluster analysis.
TTP211 Energy & Transportation Modeling for Policy Analysis (4 units) - Development of energy and transportation models for policy analysis. Methods for modeling transportation, electricity, fuels, resources, and infrastructure systems.
Temporary Lecturer Positions 2024-2025
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California - Davis anticipates openings for temporary lecturers for the 2024–2025 academic year to instruct courses in Civil and Environmental Engineering. For brief course descriptions, see the following links:
Requirements: Candidates must have a Minimum professional degree requirement is a Master’s, or preferably a PhD, in Civil Engineering or equivalent; although exceptions may be made for exceptional candidates with strong and relevant experience in both practice and teaching, be committed to excellence in teaching, and have demonstrated instructional experience or relevant disciplines. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and course load.
To ensure consideration, submit curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, list of courses interested in teaching, and optionally, submit teaching evaluations, course syllabi, and details of their scholarly or professional attainments (if available) via the web-based, online submission system at
For full consideration, applications need to be received by June 3, 2024.
A reasonable salary range estimate for this position is $66,259 -$86,453.
Salary and appointment level are commensurate with experience. Actual salary is based on percentage of appointment: One four-unit course in a quarter = 33% appointment. A selected candidate may be assigned only one course in any quarter.
These positions are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.
As a condition of employment, you will be required to comply with the University of California SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program Policy. All Covered Individuals under the policy must provide proof of Full Vaccination or, if applicable, submit a request for Exception (based on Medical Exemption, Disability, and/or Religious Objection) or Deferral (based on pregnancy) no later than the applicable deadline. For new University of California employees, the applicable deadline is eight weeks after their first date of employment. (Capitalized terms in this paragraph are defined in the policy.)
An example of courses in Engineering (ENG) and Civil Engineering (ECI) which may be available during 2024 –2025 pending availability of funding include but are not limited to:
ENG 035 - Statics (4 units) – Force systems and equilibrium conditions with emphasis on engineering problems
ECI 130 - Structural Analysis (4 units) - Elastic structural analysis of determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames. Plastic bending and limit analysis.
ECI 132 - Structural Design: Metallic Elements (4 units) – Design of metallic beams, columns, and other members for various types of loading and boundary conditions; design of connections between members; member performance within structural systems.
ECI 149 - Air Pollution (4 units) – Physical and technical aspects of air pollution. Factors that determine local, regional, and global air quality; climate change; and physical and chemical properties of pollutants.
ECI 149L – Air Pollution Lab (1 unit) – Laboratory characterization of air pollutants; data analysis; experimental design.
ECI 171 - Soil Mechanics (4 units) - Soil formations, mass-volume relationships, soil classification, effective stress, soil-water-void relationships, compaction, seepage, capillarity, compressibility, consolidation, strength, states of stress and failure, lateral earth pressures, and slope stability.
ECI 171L - Soil Mechanics Laboratory (1 unit) - Laboratory studies utilizing standard testing methods to determine physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of soil and demonstration of basic principles of soil behavior.
ECI 173 - Foundation Design (4 units) - Foundation analysis and design, including site characterization, evaluation of shallow and deep foundation alternatives, evaluation of bearing capacity and settlements, design of retaining structures, and case-based design experiences.
ECI 182 - Buildings: Assemblage & Construction Quality Management (4 units) - Materials and methods used in building construction. Assemblage of construction materials in building systems and related effects on productivity, equipment selection and job site layout.