Picture of Pat Mokhtarian

Prof. Emeritus Pat Mokhtarian elected to National Academy of Engineering

Prof. Emeritus Patricia (Pat) Mokhtarian was elected to the 2024 class of the National Academy of Engineering for her contributions to "improved transportation systems planning and practice through quantifying human behavior." Prof. Mokhtarian is a world-leading researcher on travel behavior. Her work on the impact of telecommunications technology on travel behavior long predates the huge shift that has taken place over the last few years. She has additionally had a major impact in shaping modern thinking about land use and transportation interactions, attitudes toward travel itself, congestion-response behavior, travel time budgets, induced demand, and the transportation/air quality impacts of transportation demand management measures. Prof. Mokhtarian joined the UC Davis faculty in 1990, where she remained for 23 years before retiring and moving to Georgia Tech. Election to the NAE is a rare honor bestowed on just 2,600 professionals worldwide. 

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