Kari Watkins

Prof. Kari Watkins named to CA Transit Transformation Task Force

For decades, California has led the way to a low-carbon economy that serves all people, especially when it comes to transformation of our transportation infrastructure. Today, the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) took an important step in continuing this transformation by establishing the state’s Transit Transformation Task Force and announcing the membership.  The task force will develop policy recommendations to grow transit ridership, improve the transit experience, and address long-term operational needs

Distinct among the appointed members, UC Davis Civil & Environmental Engineering Professor Kari Watkins was named as one of two academic members of the new Task Force. She brings to the task force her expertise in transit, including her experience with the development of the OneBusAway program, which paved the way for providing real-time next-bus countdown information to riders. It is no big surprise to see UC Davis represented among the task force members, given our global leadership on nearly all aspects of transportation, both in CEE and the Institute of Transportation Studies.

You can read the press release from CalSTA here

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