ASCE/SEI Symposium: Bay Area Resilience on 30th Anniversary of Loma Prieta Earthquake
Professor Brian Maroney speaker on panel at ASCE/SEI Symposium
Many UCD students and alumni attended the ASCE/SEI San Francisco Chapter hosted a symposium on resilience to mark the 30th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake. The speaker panel consisted of representatives from BART, Caltrans, EBMUD, City of Oakland, and the San Francisco Office of Resilience and Capital Planning. This event presented a unique opportunity to learn about the resiliency efforts of major building and infrastructure agencies in the Bay Area.
The following are some of the issues that were addressed in the symposium:
- Lessons learned in 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
- Completed, current, and future projects aimed at improving system and regional resilience
- Performance objectives, recovery times, emergency funding, etc. for the next big one
- Interdependence of area systems and agencies