Levent Kavvas Elected ASCE Distinguished Member
CEE Distinguished Professor Levent Kavvas has been elected a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): the highest honor for an ASCE member.
Kavvas’ election was in recognition of his “contributions to the development of a methodology for estimation of maximum precipitation, as well as the development of a new scaling theory of hydrologic processes.” His areas of specialization include mathematical modeling of the integrated hydrologic-atmospheric processes at global, continental, country and watershed scales for the simulation and prediction of hydrologic water balances toward quantifying phenomena such as floods and droughts; mathematical modeling of hydrologic processes at regional, watershed and hillslope scales; investigations on the mathematical modeling of contaminant transport by inland surface waters, unsaturated flow and groundwater flow, and physical hydraulic modeling of environmental fluid flows.
According to ASCE, “A Distinguished Member is a person who has attained eminence in some branch of engineering or in the arts and sciences related thereto, including the fields of engineering education and construction." Begun in 1853, Distinguished Membership is ASCE's highest recognition and among the Society's oldest honors: Only 220 of ASCE’s 150,000 members are able to call themselves Distinguished Members.
Congratulations Professor Kavvas!