Bruce West Honored by Chancellor May

University of California, Davis, Chancellor Gary S. May announced Feb. 7 he will award the UC Davis Medal to alumnus Bruce West, chair of the UC Davis Foundation Board and a member of the Chancellor’s Board of Advisors.

The chancellor made the surprise announcement at a foundation board meeting this morning. “I’m pleased to say that the 2020 recipient of the UC Davis Medal is right here in the room,” May said as he turned to West.

Bruce West mugshot


The university accords individuals no higher honor than the UC Davis Medal in recognition of extraordinary contributions that embody the campus’s Vision of Excellence. Medalists inspire and support the success and engagement of students, faculty, staff and alumni, and foster a bold and innovative spirit in teaching, research and public service.

West, who holds two degrees in civil engineering — Bachelor of Science (1971) and Master of Science (1973) — has been fostering excellence at his alma mater for decades. He’s been a member of the engineering dean’s executive committee since its inception in 2002, and also serves on the Athletics Board.

He received the College of Engineering’s Alumni Medal in 2000 and Distinguished Service Medal in 2012. The Cal Aggie Alumni Association presented its Jerry W. Fielder Memorial Award to West in 2016, in recognition of his long-standing dedication to UC Davis.

The university will formally present Bruce West’s medal at a gala in June. Details will be announced later.

Full article can be found here

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