Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering Faculty

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Colleen Bronner

Position Title
  • Vice Chair for Undergraduate Studies
  • Professor of Teaching
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Chris Cappa

Position Title
  • Professor
  • Department Chair
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Alissa Kendall

Position Title
  • Professor
  • Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies
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Jay Lund

Position Title
  • Emeritus
  • Distinguished Professor

Solving Modern and Evolving Problems of Clean Air and Water at Global, Regional and Local Levels

Modern environmental problems are inherently interdisciplinary, involving such issues as alleviating the impacts of waste disposal on human and ecological receptors, treating non-point source emissions, developing new technologies to address water and air pollution, understanding the causes and impacts of climate change, characterizing the life-cycle impacts of human activities, and addressing the role of energy utilization in environmental degradation. Such problems are among the most challenging problems an engineer can face, requiring collaborative approaches to develop sustainable solutions.The UC Davis Environmental Engineering graduate program provides an advanced education that enables graduates to solve challenging environmental quality problems at global, regional and local levels, with faculty expertise in water and wastewater, air, soil, energy and sustainability.